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Kid's Ministry

Infants-Grade 8

Every Sunday the kids get to enjoy worship, lessons, and crafts! We have created a safe space where they can learn about God and have fun. We make sure to teach the grace, love, and truth of Jesus. 

 Co-ed Life Group

We firmly believe that Bible Study is a place where your seen, heard, and loved. A place where one is spurred on in their walk with God. We study the Bible, pray, and encourage each other each week. Join us for our co-ed  Bible Study every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at Pastor Dan's house. We will be studying various books of the bible.


If you would like more information about life group email Dan at

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Women's Bible Study

Join us Tuesdays at 7pm for our women's Bible Study. This is a time where the women of the church can come together fellowship and study God's word together.  

Young Adults/Youth

Ages 17-25

We meet weekly on Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm to dig deep in conversation, dig deep into the Word of God, and dig deep into getting to know and love each other. We believe in putting our faith into action to help our community in tangible ways as well. Join us for talks, studies, food, games and more!


If you would like more information about Young Adults email Dan at

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Mom's Group

This is a safe place where mom’s and their children can get together to build community, strengthen each others faith, and encourage each other. Come on out and meet the other mom’s in the community. Mom’s group is on Tuesdays  at 10:00am and will be starting up later in April.


If you would like more information about mom's group email Dan at

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